An Online Anger Management Class
An 8, 10 or 12 hour anger management class that you can stop and start anytime you want - on your schedule! This Anger Management Class is completely self-paced, sign out and come back later, the computer will take you back to where you ended. That's right, work on it a half hour at a time, more sometimes, less others - you choose.
Less Expensive: One fee, no added fees. Our online anger management class sets an industry standard as one of the nation's premier provider of online anger management classes. An 8 hour anger management class, a 10 hour anger management class, a 12 hour anger management class or our anger management workbook. 

Taking an Online Anger Management Class
Anger Management programs can vary a great deal in terms of content and delivery method. Like many things on the internet they are not always what they "appear" to be. Fortunately most of the anger management classes offered online are good and reputable, however, there are a few anger management classes offered that are either a bit deceptive about pricing (i.e., one price is all you really pay), certificate delivery (is it mailed or does it cost more?) or simply do not meet a high professional anger management class quality standards.
TT Online Services™ is a Nationwide Company that has a reputation across the Nation for our high quality programs. We have been providing anger management classes since 1994 as our Temper Talk program.
Some "Online" anger management programs are not actually a real online service. These anger management classes indicate they are an online anger management program because they can be found and purchased on a web page, but in reality the anger management class is really a book you purchase or a download file that you put on your computer. This is really not an online anger management class but rather a product you purchase on the web.
At TT Online Services™ when we say we offer an Online Anger Class, we mean "Online." With our anger management class you will register online, create your username/password so that you can log in and out of the anger management class as many times as you want 24/7. You make your anger management class purchase online. You take all of your anger management coursework online as well. There are no downloads or anything else. The system will "remember" you and all of your scores as you log in and out of our secure system. You will also be able to print the anger management class Certificate of Completion directly from your screen upon successful completion of the program.
**Please note we do also offer a anger management workbook/correspondence course for those without internet access.
If you are comparing anger management programs we encourage you to make sure you are comparing apples to apples. What is the history of the anger management company providing the course? What kind of experience, education and training qualifies them to offer anger management classes?
TT Online Services™ staff began researching and working with anger management clients in 1994. At the onset the service was called Temper Talk. Now, TT Online Services™ is a nationwide service providing high quality evidence based anger management classes. All TT Online Services™ counselors are required to complete rigorous training prior to becoming a certified counselor. All Counselors are required to have a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree and are supervised by staff with a minimum of a Master's Degree.
Can a judge, probation officer or attorney contact the agency to verify credentials?
Of course! If your specific court is not familiar with our program you may wish to print our court approval documentation, (click here to get document). to give them further information. If they contact our office we will also provide them access to our online anger class so they can view the program and its integrity for themselves.
What is the program based off of? Is there substance or just feel good babble?
The TT Online Services™ anger management class is based on the book The Psychology of Anger, written by Steven M. Houseworth, MA who is a consultant for TT Online Services™ Listed below are the anger management class objectives.
ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASS OBJECTIVE 1: Empowerment: To assist the client in developing a sense of personal responsibility for each decision they make. Prior to completing our online anger management class each client will acknowledge that anger behaviors are learned and utilized, either because they appears effective or because of a lack of alternative anger management skills.
ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASS OBJECTIVE 2: Education: To inform each client of myths associated with anger management. Further, to educate each client about the source of the anger emotion and orient to the process of choosing anger behaviors. The purpose is to have each client perceive anger management quite differently and to question his/her existing attitudes, values and beliefs about anger management.
ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASS OBJECTIVE 3: Skills: To facilitate the development of an anger management strategy and expose the client to a variety of "in the moment" mental and behavioral anger management techniques. The need to identify specific anger management strategies and anger management techniques and anger management practice is encouraged and emphasized.
ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASS OBJECTIVE 4: Victim Awareness: Special attention is paid to identify the impact that inappropriate anger emotions and behaviors has on strangers, friends, family, fellow students and work colleagues, and particularly the immediate victim of angering behaviors. Prior to the completion of the anger management class, the client will be aware that inappropriate anger behaviors create victims.
ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASS OBJECTIVE 5: Empathy Development: To have each client consider the value he/she places on "others." This objective entails having the offender look into him/herself, introspectively and weigh the value placed on SELF vs. the value placed on OTHERS. Prior to, and long after completing the anger management class each client will question themselves - asking, seriously, how important they believe others really are.
Do they offer a refund policy?
TT Online Services™ stands behind its anger management program and offers a full money back guarantee. Click here to view the TT Online Services™ Guarantee.
Why is the TT Online Services™ anger management class price so reasonable?
At TT Online Services™ we strive hard to keep our overhead costs low so that we can pass on the savings to you. We are well aware of all the other financial obligations that were likely placed upon you by the courts. We want you to be successful at completing your court ordered anger management class. We give you, what we believe to be a solid honest fair price for our anger management class. With our program I am very confident that you will be receiving one of the best anger management classes available.
Anger Management skills can be learned in many ways. For some, an online anger management class is best. No need to take time off work or out of your busy schedule. You complete the anger management class in your home or at any internet connection on your schedule. Our anger management classes are available 24/7. For others, sitting in a group or with a live instructor might be the best option. Either way make sure the anger management program that you utilize measures up .
Last Updated: Friday, January 17, 2025
Privacy | Professionals
An "8 hour" anger management class means that, on average, it takes 8 hours for a person to complete the class.Your account is active for 1 year once you are registered so you don't need to worry about getting locked out.
Temper Talk™ has been providing anger management classes since 1994. Our services are guaranteed to be accepted by your court, probation officer or school.
No extra charges, no fee for your Completion Certificate.
Temper Talk™ Class Cost:
8 hour anger class - $64
10 hour juvenile theft class - $74
12 hr adult theft class -$84
Don't have a computer? No worry! You can take our online class at the library or, we also offer a correspondence (through the mail) printed workbook.